Sakamoto Days

Sakamoto Days is an action-packed manga by Yuto Suzuki that combines thrilling battles, humor, and heartfelt moments. The story follows Taro Sakamoto, a former legendary hitman known as the “Grim Reaper,” who leaves behind his violent past for a peaceful life with his family. However, his tranquility shatters when assassins from his past target him, forcing Sakamoto to unleash his deadly skills once again.

Now joined by former allies like Kondo, a sharpshooter, and Shin, a master of disguise, Sakamoto reenters the criminal underworld to protect his loved ones. The series showcases high-stakes action and adds depth with memorable characters, friendship, and loyalty.

What makes Sakamoto Days unique is its seamless blend of intense action and comedic moments, creating a story that keeps readers eagerly engaged. Suzuki’s dynamic artwork amplifies each fight scene, bringing energy and impact to every panel. With humor, justice, and a deep sense of family, Sakamoto Days delivers a compelling journey into a hitman’s quest for redemption.